Best 5 books written by fabulous writers on Social issues in 2020

Best 5 books written by fabulous writers  on Social issues in 2020

Best 5 books written by fabulous writers on Social issues in 2019 - 20. This books belongs to our county's Social issues. For example:
Turning point book about India's political issues, etc. The problem of the Rupee : Its origin and its solution book about indian currency in British period. Indian home rule book about satyagraha moments. The free voice book about politicle issues And Development as freedom book about examined the relationship between freedom and development. These all books are related to different social issues. So, let's start...

1.Turning points A journey through chellenges book on Social issues written by Dr.APJ Abdul kalam

Turning points book  on social issues written by Dr. APJ Abdul kalam

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APJ Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of our country . He was the President of our country from 25 July 2002 to 25 July 2007. He wrote many books in his life, one of which is 'Turning Points'.

In this book, he has written about India's political issues, memoirs, context and making India prosperous and by the year 2020.

Few lines from this book👉 - "It was a normal day - I had a lecture on the subject of 'Conceptual Goals' on the campus of Ana University in Chennai which went from an hour to two hours. After that I had a meal with research students and then Went to class. While returning to his room in the evening, Vice Chancellor prof.Dr.Klanidhi was with me. He told me that throughout the day someone kept trying to contact me. As I entered the room, the phone rang. The voice came from there when I picked up the phone. "

The Prime Minister wants to talk to you. A few months ago I left my post of Chief Scientific Advisor at the Cabinet level so that I could return to my teaching work. As soon as I did Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee "My life took a new turn."It is not only related to his life, but he also told in this, how India has become a great heritage, how great it is by its ability, efforts, etc.

2.The problem of the Rupee : Its origin and its solution book written by Bhimrao ambedkar
The problem of rupee book  on Social issues written by Bhimrao ambedkar

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Bhimrao Ambedkar was a talented student. He was studied at Columbia University and London School of Economics. Then he was join as professor of economics in the beginning of his life. Then e participated in campaigning and discussions for the independence of India. He had a special contribution in the making of India. Many books written by him but this book , he wrote on indian currency problem.
In this book, currency related questions and problems is given. He had written about condition of India during the British period. In which it has been told how the origin of the Reserve Bank of India took place. This book had written about the history of Indian currency and banking since 1923.

3.Indian home rule book written by Mahatma Gandhi
Indian home rule book written by Mahatma Gandhi
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Mahatma Gandhi is the father of nation of our country. He was wrote this book from himself. This book was released by Mahatma Gandhi in 1909. And In 1910 the British government banned the book because he wrote about Satyagraha moments. He wrote this book in his native language Gujrati. But after few year this book published in english and hindi language.

He wrote about his Satyagraha moments in South Africa in this book. In this book finally, He wrote about the Satyagraha in South Africa for 8 years. This book wrote by Mahatma Gandhi. Few lines from this book 👇.

“The satyagrah of south Africa was still an infant hardly two years old. But it had developed sufficiently to permit me to write of it with some degree of confidence.”

4.The free voice book written by ravish Kumar

The free voice book written by ravish Kumar

In this book, How has the freedom of every person of India been interrupted. How has the scope of dialogue and meaningful debate worked in individuals.How this has encouraged hatred and intolerance in the country And How the elected representatives of the people, media and other institutions failed as a powerful democracy. It's about the way to overcome these situations.

This book written by ravish Kumar. He is related to media profession but he took support to book. Finally, He wrote this book on political issues.

5.Development as freedom book written by Amartya Sen
Development as freedom books on social problem written by Amartya Sen
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This book written by Amartya Sen. In this book, he has told the relationship between freedom and development. According to him independence is an important part of development. He wrote this book because he saw indian Economics status. So,finally he decided to write this book. Few lines from this book👇.

"No knowledge of economics is assumed - there is no mathematics, there is no single equation and more philosophically complex material is concentrated in a few places."

So, this some information about these books. It's really great . These all books related to indian social issues . So finally, here these all 5 books books completed. If you like it.
"I have written this blog inspired by the sites and books related to it."

So, you can click on this link :
buy for turning point book:

buy for the problem of the rupee:

buy for Indian home rule:

buy for the free voice :

buy for Development as freedom :


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